Furla • H-ART

Made for You

Together with Furla, H-ART developed an online tool that allows customers to personalize the two most famous handbags: Metropolis and Artesia.You can get started personalizing your bag both online and in-store. In the store, a Furla employee helps you choose materials, which adds to the experience of designing.This configurator is easy to use and allows everyone to customize their bag.

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My role

For the "Furla Made for You" project, I played a key role in creating prototypes and designing the interface of the 'bag configurator' with the right balance between functionality, brand experience and an enjoyable shopping experience.
I also visualized the underlying process as a service-map to gather the right feedback from the client during the design process so that the right expectations could be shown to the shopping customerTranslated with DeepL.com (free version)
Interaction Design
Information Architecture
UX Proces


In this project, I worked closely with the art director, project manager and the technical department to come up with a balanced interaction design appropriate for the new in-store touch screens for in Furla's flagship stores, consistent with the new logistics process.


Q4 2015, 1 month Milan / Remote Further realization 2016


The core team of the agency H-ART Milan consisted of 1 project manager, 1 art director, designer and 1 lead developer.

Design thinking

I first want to understand what the problem is that needs to be solved and what user groups are involved. What is their motivation? And what are they potentially running into?
In this project - with limited time - we used "proto-personas" with the team to empathize and ask stakeholders the right questions about the process and product. Based on several sketchy ideas, I built a prototype on paper and later in software.
Ultimately, the prototype was taken from mid- to hi-fidelity by the art director and with input from the content provider and served as the basis for further development by the development team.

Stap 1
Time was limited. But with the team, the client with input from people in the stores, we gathered the key points.  We then created a number of proto-personas with the team. By creating a persona, we increased empathy for both the store employee and the customer.
Winkelend publiek in de flagship store in Singapore
Stap 2
From the personas, we identified the drivers, potential frustrations and the goals and expectations.And in addition, the goals of the business.
Stap 3
In the ideation phase, the goal is to generate creative solutions. Through desk research and brainstorming sessions, we gathered the ideas and captured them in the form of user flows and wireframes. And in addition, the objectives of the business.


I created a detailed step-by-step diagram to outline the ideal path a user goes through to perform the main task.


Ik heb een uitgebreid stappenschema gemaakt om het ideale pad te schetsen die een gebruiker doorloopt voor het uitvoeren van de hoofdtaak.

Project Furla. Flowchart of bag configurator in a sketchy style, illustrating part of the ideate step.
Stap 4
In the prototype phase, I combined the ideas. This makes it tangible for the rest of the team, as well as the client. It allows testing and further defining the interactions. We used the feedback to further refine and improve the design.
Stap 5
Finally, the project was tested with different users to see how it works and if it matches user expectations.

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