

Municipal Affairs

As the landscape of systems within the municipal organization becomes more capable of exchanging data on residents’ cases, the question comes up of what is relevant to the residents themselves. So the municipality requested a way to present new ideas. We ended up by using prototyping with conceptual proposals to be presented to residents. Having a clear insight into “current issues” is the beginning. During user testing, there were also concepts presented where existing information was presented in a smart combination so that residents can reduce the time spent searching through a variety of other sub-sites.‍‍

A first step to engage residents in the process of designing digital services. What are residents interested in? And what is ( in)possible?
Main design of the new dashboard (pilot)

UX Design and Prototyping: I conducted user research (both desk research and user interviews during user testing) to gain insights into the pain points and requirements of both residents and the municipal organization.   Our goal was to understand what residents needed and how the municipal systems could better serve them in accordance with a personal portal

Conceptual Proposal Development: I was actively involved in creating conceptual proposals for the portal. These proposals aimed to introduce new ideas and functionalities that would directly benefit residents.

User Testing and Improvement: I participated in user testing sessions to assess the usability and effectiveness of our conceptual proposals and prototypes. Feedback from these tests played a pivotal role in refining and enhancing the portal’s design to make it more user-friendly.

Effective Collaboration: I collaborated closely with the municipal team to understand their specific requirements and project objectives. Effective communication and collaboration with both the editorial team, the software team and the citizien services were essential for the project’s success.

Comprehensive Documentation and UX Strategy: I documented the ux process, including the creation of prototypes, user testing results, and detailed specifications. This documentation served as a valuable resource for future reference.

Example of user test scenario

mijn.haarlem.nl is (still) currently under development and should gradually become the entry point for Haarlem residents to view personal data and track municipal affairs.

Comments and ideas will be collected and tested with residents through the use of the Live Panel. The organization is paying more attention to involving citizens and other stakeholders in making design choices in digitizing processes.

Interaction pattern of an alternative way to select an existing adress
Overview on mobile

Concept for another approach to a portal: two-way interactions, one place to store uploads, documents, comments and decisions.
Melding doen van een verkeerslicht dat stuk is.
Rationale voor het 'interactieve dossier'
Wireframes van toekomstig concept met gepersonaliseerde gegevens uit diverse bronnen.
municipality of haarlem

Pilot project: personal portal for Haarlem residents. What is the status of my request? Do they need anything else from me? The pilot is the base for further development

ux concept
ux design
ux research
axure rp
hifi prototype
ux strategy
personal account
track & trace

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